Professional experience
- 09.2024 - present: Computing and Software Support Specialist at ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), Bonn, Germany [Full-Time]
- Providing technical advice and support on the use of ECMWF computing facilities, cloud services, data access and archiving services and software.
- Providing training on the use of ECMWF’s computing platforms and software to users inside ECMWF, and in Member and Cooperating States.
- Supporting ECMWF’s aim for switching to open data.
- 08.2022 - 08.2024: Earth Observation Data Services Engineer at EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) via Innoflair, Darmstadt, Germany [Full-Time]
- Providing user and operations support for EUMETSAT’s data access services (Data Store, Data Tailor, and EUMETView).
- Supporting EUMETSAT’s cloud-based processing environment called the European Weather Cloud (EWC).
- Administering EUMETSAT training team’s infrastructure, with a focus on maintenance of VMs, authentication of users, and deploying new services.
- Provided training on EUMETSAT Data Access Services, Data Tailor software, and various applications of the European Weather Cloud (EWC).
- 09.2020 - 05.2022: Research Assistant at Section 1.4 Remote Sensing, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ-Potsdam), Germany [Part-Time, last two months as Full-Time]
- Contributed as a team member to multi-national citizen science projects, “Nachtlicht-Bühne” and “Globe at Night”, especially on numerical analysis, icon design and GIS work.
- Created numerous Python scripts for night light data.
- Designed a conference handbook (Artificial Light at Night (ALAN)) and processed feedbacks for more than 100 abstracts.
- Supervisor: Dr. Christopher Kyba
- Summer 2018: Erasmus + Intern at Institute Of Geosciences, University Of Graz, Austria [Intern]
- Worked on number of numerical geomorphological analysis methods for state of Styria, Austria.
- Supervisor: Prof. Kurt Stüwe
- Summer 2017: Intern at Turkiye Petrolleri A.O., Ankara, Turkey [Intern]
- MSc in Remote Sensing, geoInformation and Visualization (RSIV), University of Potsdam, Germany, 04.2022
- Thesis: “Measuring high-resolution surface deformation signals in Turkey using Sentinel-1 radar interferometry”. On my thesis, I’ve been mostly working with open-source active radar data to extract SAR interferometry to detect high-resolution (spatial + temporal) surface deformation changing in time. go thesis section
- Supervisors: Dr. Jonathan R. Weiss & Prof. Bodo Bookhagen
- BSc in Geological Engineering, Ankara University, Turkey, 02.2019